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The Great In-Between

By Mehak Raza | 23rd September 2021

“The eyes, Chica, They never lie”

 That’s what he said

 Over a glass of Champagne

 Discussing the down trodden

 Lovers of our past,

 We left behind in the dust

 With remorse or mostly without.

 If I place a hand on my heart

 I can still feel the faint,

 Heartbeat of his



 That’s what they called us

 Heaven wasn’t made for us

 Hell wouldn’t hold our souls.

 We floated in swimming pools,

 Mansions of Grandeur

 With Dom Pérignon in our hands,

 Always reaching out

 For that light across the lake


 We were made to steal

 False Venuses of the future

 To kill men over betrayal

 Not loyalty

 We only owed that to each other

 Except we were both eves.

 A man and woman

 In search of knowledge

 Of more


 But did the Devil seduce us,

 Or did we him?

 They used to ask us that,

 Behind our backs

 Jealous lovers of our past

 We asked each other that

 When after a long time

 For the first time

 Our lips touched


 I replied back


 “The eyes, chico, they never lie”

 Now six feet under

 I find him calling me.

 And I wont be here for long

 For I belong with him

 And he with me.

 Whether in Hell, Heaven

 Or In Between

Blue Abstract Shapes_edited_edited_edite



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