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Fatima Ali Rizvi


  • Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

  • Theme Song: Therefore I Am by Billie Eilish

  • Favorite Movies: Knives Out, Now or Never, The Sherlock Holmes movies, Marvel and DC movies, Harry Potter saga

  • Favorite TV Shows: Tomorrow, Vincenzo, Umbrella Academy, Shadow and Bone

  • Favorite Books: The Folk of the Air trilogy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians saga and it's spin-off series, Six of Crows, To Kill a Kingdom, The Song of Achilles, The Beautiful

  • Favourite Musicians: BTS plus every other Kpop artist occasionally, Taylor Swift

Hey guys, this is Fatima. Now, the real problem with this intro is to NOT make it sound like the rant of a quirky teenager, because I'd like to think of myself better than them, yk? But anyways, currently suffering from O levels, I spend my time procrastinating, and then some more. (My teachers love me, I'm a true gem). Other than that, I am, and will always be, a fantasy enthusiast, because no other genre can even come close to compare. This is not a debate, just facts. Speaking of, I love debates, or arguments, same thing. Now we're gonna get a bit philosopical. (Because basically everyone sees that as a defining quality in a writer). See how the two words, debate and argument invoked two different reactions in your head, the former more positive than the latter, while not being that different from each other in meaning? That's why I love writing. (Because you are basically fricking with people's heads-) P.S. Fuck patriarchy.

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